If you are a small business owner you know you want to make your business more visible. You can’t do it yourself, but who is the best to turn to for help – a public relations or an advertising professional?
First, know that both public relations and advertising fall under the umbrella of marketing. Marketing professionals help you generate more business by increasing your visibility, and often times they provide both public relations and advertising services under one roof. Other times, however, companies specialize in one or the other. But what are the differences between public relations and advertising and which service can you best benefit from? Here are the differences between the two and the advantages that both can reap. WHAT IS PUBLIC RELATIONS? PR generates awareness by sending press releases to the media gatekeepers, such as newspaper reporters, magazine editors, TV and radio producers and more. PR agencies write press releases as a means to entice reporters to write about their client. Many people think that a press release is an article that you write that gets placed verbatim in the newspaper. In fact, however, a press release is simply a story idea that you send to a reporter, who then will pull inspiration from the press release and write his or her own story. It does not guarantee a written spot in a publication. It’s important to understand that press releases need to be timely. For example, if a business is launching a new product, offering a new service, or hosting a new event, this is the perfect time to send out a press release. ADVANTAGES OF PR
WHAT IS ADVERTISING? First of all, let’s go over what advertising IS. It’s a TV commercial, radio spot, billboard, print display ad, online banner ad, etc. It is NOT a press release. Advertising is key to getting your brand recognized and seen by a larger audience, but in most forms of advertising you don’t have much time or space to explain much. Advertising agencies help you create and write your ads for various mediums, and they also help determine the best spot to place your ads to reach your desired audience. One type of advertising that does allow you to explain more about your business is an advertorial. An advertorial often appears in print publications like a magazine. It looks likes a piece of editorial content but is actually an ad that someone paid for. ADVANTAGES OF ADVERTISING
AuthorLauren Carrane's views on marketing, PR and how to get bigger. Archives
July 2017
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